
[DvO]  David von Oheimb   [ICHTYS]

Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Inform. Univ.
eMail:   see my contact information
Snail:   David von Oheimb
         Siemens AG
         Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
         D-81739 München, Germany
Phone:   +49 89 7805-22262

Papers (scientific publications)

Talks (including slides)

Teaching (with slides as far as available in English)

Affiliations and Activities


Research Interests

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Homepage

[Valid HTML5] URL: http://ddvo.net/index.html, created around 1996, last modified: 2023-02-27. Please send any comments to webmaster@von-Oheimb.de