Some experience and remarks on security certification at industry (slides upon request)
on 2013-01-31 as a contribution to the Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics seminar 'Software Certification: Methods and Tools' in Dagstuhl, Germany
The BSI Smart Metering Gateway Protection Profile — an evaluation
on 2012-12-03 as a keynote at the NESSoS / EIT ICT Labs Workshop SmartGridSec12 in Berlin, Germany
Secure Software Distribution in Aviation Context
on 2011-10-21 at the Aviation Cyber-Physical Security — Safety and Security
Workshop of SAE AeroTech in Toulouse, France
- SPaCIoS — Secure Provision and Consumption in the Internet of Services
on 2011-06-30 at the Poster Session of the 4th Network and Information Security (NIS'11) Summer School in Hersonissos, Greece
- ASLan++ — the AVANTSSAR Specification Language
on 2010-11-30 at the Software Technologies Concertation on
Formal Methods for Components and Objects (FMCO 2010) in Graz, Austria
- SPaCIoS — Secure Provision and Consumption in the Internet of Services and
ASLan++ — the AVANTSSAR Specification Language
on 2010-Nov-18 at the DIAMONDS Kick-Off Meeting in Berlin, Germany
- Model checking SOA Security: a report on work in progress in AVANTSSAR
on 2010-Jul-19 at the DFKI Research Group `Safe and Secure Systems' in Saarbrcken, Germany
- AVANTSSAR — an overview with examples
on 2010-Apr-04 at the GI FoMSESS annual meeting in Berlin, Germany.
- Security Architecture and Formal Analysis of an Airplane Software Distribution System
on 2008-Sep-15 at the ICAS 2008 in Anchorage, USA
- Formal Security Analysis of Software Distribution Systems
on 2008-Mar-27 at the FoMSESS 2008 fourth annual meeting in Darmstadt, Germany
- Electronic Distribution of Airplane Software and the Impact of Information Security on Airplane Safety
on 2007-Sep-19 at SAFECOMP 2007 in Nuremberg, Germany
- Open Source Operating Systems for Airplane Assets Distribution Systems (AADS)
on 2007-Mar-31 on the OpenCert 2007 workshop at ETAPS 2007 in Braga, Portugal
- Formal security analysis in industry, at the example of Electronic Distribution of aircraft Software (EDS)
on 2006-Nov-16 as the Security Keynote at 2nd International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2006) in Paphos, Cyprus
- Formal methods in the security business: exotic flowers thriving in an expanding niche.
on 2006-Aug-23 at the ForTIA I-Day'06 during FM'06, Hamilton, Canada.
- The High-Level
Protocol Specification Language HLPSL developed in the EU project AVISPA (2-page abstract)
on 2005-Sep-13 at the 3rd APPSEM II Workshop (APPSEM05) on the Frauenchiemsee island, Germany
- The AVISPA Library of formally specified industrial scale security
on 2005-Jul-27 at the EU Project AVISPA final evaluation meeting in Brussels, Belgium
- Formal Security Modeling lecture
on 2005-Oct-19 at the Department of Informatics of TU Munich, Germany
from 2005-Apr-13 till Jul-13 at the TCS chair of LMU Munich, Germany
- Formal Security Analysis
on 2005-Nov-08 by invitation to the Journes SSI du CELAR in Rennes, France
on 2005-May-19 in Everett, WA, USA
- Internet Security Protocols: Specification and Modeling
on 2005-Apr-03 on the ETAPS 2005 AVASP
(Automated Validation of Security Protocols) tutorial in Edinburgh, Great Britain
- Information flow control revisited: Noninfluence = Noninterference + Nonleakage
on 2005-Mar-31 by invitation at the Colloquium "Logic in Computer Science" Workshop "Applications of proof assistants: Constructive mathematics, program extraction and verification" in Venice, Italy
on 2004-Oct-06 by invitation at the NICTA Workshop on Operating Systems Verification in Sydney, Australia
on 2002-Sep-14 at the ESORICS 2004 in Sophia Antipolis, France
on 2004-Jun-06 by invitation at the Oberseminar of the LFE Theoretische Informatik of LMU Munich, Germany
on 2004-Mar-01 at the information security group of ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Interacting State Machines and their applications in security analysis
on 2004-Oct-04 by invitation at the NICTA Workshop on Operating Systems Verification in Sydney, Australia
on 2004-Jun-18 by invitation at the Colloquium "Logic in Computer Science" in Munich, Germany
- Formal Security Analysis at Siemens CT IC Sec
on 2004-Apr-14 by invitation at the 2nd APPSEM II Workshop in Tallinn, Estonia
- A Formal Security Model of the Infineon SLE 88 Smart Card Memory Management
on 2005-Nov-09 by invitation to the Journes SSI du CELAR in Rennes, France
on 2004-Oct-06 by invitation at the NICTA Workshop on Operating Systems Verification in Sydney, Australia
on 2004-Mar-13 by invitation to the CASSIS Workshop 2004 in Marseille, France
- Generic Interacting State Machines and their instantiation with dynamic features
on 2003-Nov-05 at the ICFEM 2003 in Singapore
- Industrial Security Analysis with the ISM approach
on 2003-May-13 at the FoMSESS first annual meeting in Karlsruhe, Germany
- Interacting State Machines: a stateful approach to proving security
on 2002-Dec-18 at the
FASec '02 in London, Great Britain
- Formal Security Analysis with Interacting State Machines
on 2002-Oct-15 at the ESORICS 2002 in Zurich, Switzerland
on 2002-Jun-03 (extended version) at the
TUM+Siemens workshop "Security im Software Engineering" in Munich, Germany
- Coinduction beats induction on streams
on 2001-Apr-05 at the
VIU in Venice, Italy
Corresponding Isabelle/HOLCF theory
- Analyzing Java in Isabelle/HOL:
Formalization, Type Safety and Hoare Logic , in German
on 2001-Feb-9 as PhD thesis defense at the
Fakultt fr Informatik, TU Mnchen, Germany
- Hoare Logic for Java in Isabelle/HOL
on 2001-Mar-16 by invitation at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
on 2000-Dec-18 by invitation at the Chair for Software Engineering, Universitt Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
- Axiomatic Semantics for Javalight in Isabelle/HOL
on 2000-Aug-17 at the
TPHOLs 2000 Poster Session in Portland (Oregon), USA
on 2000-Jun-12 at the
ECOOP 2000 workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs in Cannes, France
on 2000-Jun-09 (extended version) at the
Colloquium "Logic in Computer Science" in Munich, Germany
- Hoare Logic for Mutual Recursion and Local Variables
on 1999-Dec-13 at the FST&TCS '99 in Chennai (aka Madras), India
- Axiomatic Semantics for Javalight
on 1999-Sep-30 on the annual meeting of GI FG 1.2.1 'Deduction Systems' at the CS department of the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
- The Kangaroo Calculus, a fun lecture
on 1999-Aug-06 at the
International Summer School in Marktoberdorf, Germany
- Designing a Java Formalization in HOL
on 1998-Nov-20 at the
Colloquium "Logic in Computer Science" in Munich, Germany
- Java &mdash formal fundiert, in German
on 1998-Nov-13 at the JavaDays '98/JIT'98, in Frankfurt/Main, Germany
- Operational Semantics of Java and Subject Reduction
on 1998-Jul-24 at the
Colloquium "Logic in Computer Science" in Munich, Germany
- Javalight is Type-Safe &mdash Definitely
on 1998-Jan-20 at the POPL98 Conference in San Diego, USA
on 1997-Oct-01 at the annual meeting of GI FG 1.2.1 'Deduction Systems' in IBFI Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
on 1997-Sep-25 at the workshop on Programming Languages and Fundamentals of Programming in Avendorf, Germany
- RALL: Machine-supported Proofs for Relation Algebra
on 1997-Jul-31 by invitation at the SVRC, University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia
on 1997-Jul-17 at the CADE-14 Conference in Townsville, Australia
URL: https://ddvo.net/talks/index.html,
Last modified: Sat Feb 13 20:59:04 CET 2021